No, it wasn't the sore throat I woke up with after hanging around outside in a halter dress at midnight one a shoot last night, and it wasn't the extra 20 minutes I spent sitting in traffic on the 101 this morning. Once I got in to work, I found this message on my Facebook account...
Hello! This is a random message from an audience member from one of your recent shows.
I'm just coming by to tell you that yours was my favorite performance of the night. It was really well written and delivered, and it stood out to me even among the other really well written and delivered pieces that night.
Do you dabble in writing often, or are you primarily an actress?
Anyway, thanks for the wonderful performance!
(not posting the person's name out of respect for privacy, politeness, etc.)
My hectic schedule feels a little more justified now.
Do you perform at UCB?
Nope; took a class there a few years back which resulted in an ill-fated end-of-class show. But yeah, the short answer is "no."
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