Monday, June 29, 2009

Unexpected, but unavoidable.

This Saturday resulted in a few unexpected acquisitions for me.

First off, I swung by Nic a.k.a. Normandie Wilson's yard sale, because she has impeccable taste and I was looking to pick up some of her stuff on the cheap and do my part to chip in towards her upcoming tour. (Whooo! Music For Smart People!) I got a bunch of eyeshadows and a bottle of nailpolish (awesome, because Nic buys the good stuff), a picnic basket (which I plan to pack with goodies and take with me to see my pal JR's production of The Tempest with ISC this Friday), a mic stand with a nice pop screen for Matt, and a few other things. Fun times. Then I hit up the Santa Monica Farmers Market, which I'm trying to do more often (just going to farmers markets in general) so that I get less intimidated by them and it becomes part of my weekend routine. Then I went to Trader Joe's for a few things I couldn't get at the market... and that's when I saw it.

I was driving past, I saw it, and I went back around the block after thinking about it because I knew that I would regret letting it go if I didn't at least check it out.

As you can deduce by this picture, a) it was a couch, b) it was adorable, and c) I bought it.

I regret nothing!

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